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Gross anatomy of Stomach

In this article we will discuss about the gross anatomy of stomach .

Stomach is the "most dilated" portion of GIT. It lies between oesophagus and small intestine

Regions which covers stomach

Stomach lies in :-

  1. Umbilical region
  2. Epi-gastric region
  3. Left Hypo-chondrium region

Stomach and its parts

As you might be knowing that Abdominal esophagus which has entered through its hiatus bend towards left a little bit to enter in cardiac portion of stomach and that cardiac part is staring of stomach .

Parts of stomach:-

  • Cardiac
  • Fundus
  • Body
  • Pyloric

These are 4 parts of stomach

So on what basis we divided these parts in stomach ? Ever wondered !

Actually we divided stomach into 4 parts on the basis of their histology .

when scientist observed the section of stomach they found that different areas have different histology with in stomach .

Like Scientist found out that some part of stomach has cardiac glands and that area was later named as "Cardiac portion of stomach"

Some portion of stomach was having gastric glands and no cardiac glands , that portion was named as "Fundus" part

Portion where food was stored and mixed well with HCl-"Body of stomach".

Portion which has mucus secreting glands as well as cells which used to secrete gastrin hormone -"Pyloric portion of stomach "

Cardiac portion of stomach

Abdominal esophagus communicates with the stomach via this part

Where the Abdominal esophagus joins the cardiac portion it forms a superior angle over there known as "cardial notch of stomach"

Cardiac portion of stomach has cardiac glands and nothing else that's why this region is called as cardiac portion , Most of the cardiac glands are nothing but the simple mucus secreting glands .

Fundus part of stomach

The area which has gastric glands is actually the fundus part of stomach.

Fundus part is actually above the cardiac portion of stomach

Body of stomach

The biggest portion of stomach which is resposible for mixing up food with HCL and other secretion is "Body of stomach"

Body of stomach extends from the ending boundary of cardiac and fundus parts and goes upto the starting boundary of pyloric part of stomach.

Pyloric part of stomach.

Pyloric portion is the terminal portion of stomach and known for the presence of "Specialized G cells" which secretes gastrin hormone

Sub Divisions of pyloric part:-

  • Pyloric antrum
  • Pyloric tunnel

when scientist noticed this last terminal portion of stomach they noticed 2 different parts one was more expanded with functional g cells inside it that part was called -"Pyloric antrum" , Other was more like a tube that portion of pyloric was named as -"Pyloric canal".

End of pyloric portion and anatomical importance.

Pyloric portion of stomach ends in a constriction known as -"Pyloric sphincter" and that terminal part which leads to duodenum is more specifically known as - "Pylorus" . The opening which opens into duodenum is called -"Pyloric orifice" and the canal formed there is -"Pyloric canal"

see the diagram below for more clearance and read the paragraph again by following the diagram .

Clinical Significance of Pyloric sphincter :-

NOTE:-Pyloric sphincter is a constriction that is easily visible from outer side of stomach and that constriction is because of high tonicity (default contraction that always stay inside a muscle) of circular muscle there .

Importance :- Pyloric sphincter mark the location of TRANSPYLORIC PLANE which is present at lower border of L1 vertebrae. so if you can mark the transpyloric plane than you also know the position of pylorus(terminal portion of pyloric region) and by knowing pylorus you actually know L1 vertebrae position as well as the position of communicating zone between Small intestine and Stomach.

Special Curvature and markings on surface of stomach.

Greater Curvature :- The big curvature formed on the left side of stomach due to its shape

Lesser Curvature :- The smaller curvature formed on the right surface of stomach due to its shape.

Angular Incisure :- The Angular incisure is a sharp bend or angle on lesser curvature which marks the distinction point of right and left side of stomach , imagine you make a midline from top of your head and extend it to abdominal part than it will pass through this angular incisure, that's why it differentiate right and left portion of stomach.

Blood supply of stomach

so this is a part which requires your attention and focus

Look at the diagram and follow the text below it by relating it with the diagram .

From Abdominal aorta (aorta in abdominal cavity) there arises a celiac trunk , which is responsible for Blood supply to whole foregut and stomach too is a part of Foregut. (see the celiac trunk in above diagram)

1:-Celiac trunk arises from abdominal aorta and gives a branch named :- "Left gastric artery" which supplies to the the body and cardiac portions of stomach or you can say to "lesser curvature of stomach" and continue toward the angular incisure to do anastomosis with right gastric artery. Some oesophogal branches also arises from this artery which supplies to lower portion of oesophagus(we have already discussed it in Gross anatomy of oesophagus.

2:- From the Celiac trunk arises another branch called :-"Splenic artery" which moves on the posterior side of stomach and give rises to short gastric artery which supplies to fundus part and a short portion of greater curvature of stomach . After giving short gastric artery branches it moves downwards as "left gastro omental artery" also known as "left gastro epiploic artery".

3:- Common heaptic artery also arises from the celiac trunk and move downwards to give branches :-

Branches of CHA:-

  1. Right gastric artery :- this artery arises directly from CHA and run on the lesser curvature move upward and anastomose with the left gastric artery.
  2. Gastro duodenal artery :- This artery arises from CHA and many branches arises from this artery and one among them is "Right gastro-epiploic artery" also called as "right gastro omental artery" which anastomose with the left gastro-epiploic artery. and it supplies to the greater curvature of stomach.

Fast recap:-


Grays anatomy for students.

Signing off....

Bhavesh saini.
