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Homeostasis :- More than Constant Internal Environment

Homeostasis:- From the earliest days of physiology—at least as early as the time of Aristotle—physicians recognized that good health was somehow associated with a balance among the multiple lifesustaining forces (“humours”) in the body. It was further determined by careful observation that most of the common physiological variables found in healthy organisms such as humans—blood pressure; body temperature; and blood-borne factors such as oxygen, glucose, and sodium ions, for example—are maintained within a predictable range. This is true despite external environmental conditions that may be far from constant. Thus was born the idea, first put forth by Claude Bernard , of a constant internal environment that is a prerequisite for good health, a concept later refined by the American physiologist Walter Cannon, who coined the term homeostasis .  Originally, Homeostasis was defined as a state of reasonably stable balance between physiological variables such as those just d...
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Brachial Plexus made Easy and Simple!

Brachical plexus in Simple and Easier way:- So Plexus simply means "Collection of Nerve Fibres" So By name :-Brachial Plexus means -"Collection of Nerve fibres of Brachium (Arm)." Plexuses Inside Human Body :- When the Anatomists were exploring the human body they found out several bundles of nerve fibres which are connected both physically and functionally and they called these bundles later as "Plexus" Depending on their location they are of different types like :- Brachial Plexus and Sacral plexus etc. Origin of Brachial Plexus :- Now the Brachial  plexus is actually formed by major contribution from - C5,C6,C7,C8and T1 Spinal Nerves ,sometimes the C4 and T2 Nerves do get involved in this plexus formation If the contribution from C4 is very high in Brachial plexus formation than it is known as :- Pre-Fixed brachial plexus. If  the contribution from T2 is very high in Brachial plexus formation than it is known as...